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The table below is a summary of the altimeters characteristics and capabilities


Altimeter model Alti Uno Alti Duo Mini Alti duo


Size in mm
75x20mm 89x32mm 77x23mm
Weight 11.4grams to 13 grams 21grams to 27grams 16grams to 18.5grams
Number of pyro output 1 2 2
Micro controller ATtiny 85 ATMega328 ATtiny 84
USB interface connector
no yes no
power supply 6.5V to 12V 6.5V to 12V 6.5V to 12V
Max Output Current 17A or 49A 17A or 49A 17A or 49A
Pressure sensor BMP085 BMP085 BMP085
Memory no no no
Pressure range 300-1100hPa 300-1100hPa 300-1100hPa
Altitude range -500 to 9000m -500 to 9000m -500 to 9000m
Kit yes yes yes
Status replaced by Alti Uno 180 replaced by Datalogger replaced by Mini Alti duo 180
Current software version

1.3 (stable)


1.3 (stable)

1.4 (under development)

1.3 (stable)
Front end version none BearConsole with the 1.5 firmware none
Software update AVR programmer only

AVR programmer


USB interface


Blue tooth
AVR programmer only


Note that the weight depend on the transistor used. The max output current depend also on the transistor used

*Note that rated current for the pyro outputs is the max current of the transistor used

For the servos output the max current is the max current of the regulator used.

New kits

Those are a replacement for the AltiUno and Mini AltiDuo kits. They are smaller and are using the BMP180 sensor .

Altimeter model Alti Uno 180
Alti Uno 180V2 Mini Alti duo 180
Mini Alti duo 180V2 Mini Alti duo 180 V3 (with switch connector)


Size in mm
57x19mm 65x23mm
Weight 11.4grams to 13 grams 11.4grams to 13 grams 16grams to 18.5grams 16grams to 18.5grams 16grams to 18.5grams
Number of pyro output 1 1 2 2 2
Micro controller ATtiny 85 ATtiny 85 ATtiny 84 ATtiny 84 ATtiny 84
USB interface connector
no no no no no
power supply 6.5V to 9V 6.5V to 9V 6.5V to 9V 6.5V to 9V 6.5V to 9V
Max Output Current 17A
17A 17A
17A 17A
Pressure sensor BMP180 BMP180 BMP180 BMP180 BMP180
Memory no no no no no
Pressure range 300-1100hPa 300-1100hPa 300-1100hPa 300-1100hPa
Altitude range -500 to 9000m -500 to 9000m -500 to 9000m -500 to 9000m
Kit yes yes yes yes
Status discontinued available discontinued available
Current software version

1.3 (stable)


1.3 (stable) 1.3 (stable) 1.3 (stable)
Front end version none none none
none none
Software update AVR programmer only AVR programmer only AVR programmer only
AVR programmer only AVR programmer only


SMT version. Those are not kits but professionally soldered in a reflow oven.


Altimeter model

AltiUno SMT


AltiUno micro SMT V2



AltiDuo micro SMT V2


Size in mm
44x16 mm 44x16 mm 56x18 mm 51x18mm
Weight 5.5 grams 5.5 grams 7.3 grams 7.3 grams
Number of pyro output 1 2 2
Micro controller ATtiny 85 ATtiny 85 ATtiny84 ATtiny84
USB interface connector
no no no no
power supply 4.5V to 7.4V 3.7V to 9V 4.5V to 7.4V 3.7V to 9V
Max Output Current 9A
9A 9A 9A
Pressure sensor BMP180 BMP180 BMP180 BMP180
Memory no no no no
Pressure range 300-1100hPa
300-1100hPa 300-1100hPa 300-1100hPa
Altitude range -500 to 9000m -500 to 9000m -500 to 9000m -500 to 9000m
Kit no no no no
Status Fully tested and on sell
replaced by AltiDuo SMT micro V2 Fully tested and on sell
Current software version


1.3 (stable)


1.3 (stable) 1.4 (stable) 1.4 (stable)
Front end version none none none none
Software update Impossible unless you have microcontroler dev tools
Impossible unless you have microcontroler dev tools Impossible unless you have microcontroler dev tools Impossible unless you have microcontroler dev tools
Unit metrics metrics metrics/imperial metrics/imperial


The alti micro versions are an enhanced version of the SMT AltiDuo and AltiUno that can work with 1S batteries



Those are various datalogger that are compatible with the Android application

Altimeter model


AltiMulti V2 SMT

AltiMulti STM32 SMT



Size in mm
99x33mm 80x30mm 79x49mm 80x30mm
Weight 25grams to 26 grams
Number of pyro output 3 3 4 3
Micro controller ATMega328 ATMega328 STM32F104 ESP32
USB interface connector
yes yes yes yes
power supply 6.5V to 9V 6.5V to 9V 6.5V to 9V 6.5V to 9V
Max Output Current 17A 9A 9A 9A
Pressure sensor BMP085 BMP180 BMP180 BMP180
Memory yes 512K EEPROM yes 512K EEPROM yes 512K EEPROM yes 512K EEPROM
Pressure range 300-1100hPa
300-1100hPa 300-1100hPa 300-1100hPa
Altitude range -500 to 9000m -500 to 9000m -500 to 9000m -500 to 9000m
Kit yes no no no
Status Fully tested and on sell Fully tested and on sell Fully tested Fully tested
Current software version


1.26 (stable)


1.26 (stable) 1.26 (stable) 1.26 (stable)
Front end version Bearconsole Android application Bearconsole Android application Bearconsole Android application Bearconsole Android application
Software update yes using using cable and Android device yes using using cable and Android device yes using using cable and Android device yes using using cable and PC
Unit metrics/imperial metrics/imperial metrics/imperial metrics/imperial


Water rocket or any servo driven altimeters

Altimeter model

AltiServo SMT



Size in mm
Number of pyro output 4
Micro controller ATMega328
USB interface connector
power supply 6.5V to 9V
Max Output Current 750mA for all servos
Pressure sensor BMP180
Memory no
Pressure range 300-1100hPa
Altitude range -500 to 9000m
Kit no
Status Fully tested and on sell
Current software version


1.0 (stable)


Front end version yes using Bearconsole
Software update yes using usb TTL cable
Unit metrics/imperial



Gimbal module MPU6050 version BNO055 version

Telemetry modules

Those are cheap Lora modules board to replace 3DR telemetry modules and do telemetry with altimeter that have a serial jst connector

Lora module SMT version kit version


Ematch connectors


Rocket motor test Stand

TestStand V1 TestStand V2


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